Things these days are drastically changing. We are prone to undergo some habits that are out of the usual. These extraordinary hobbies and leisure have contributed a lot towards our body’s wellness. Some of the probable cures of the time may be taken from natural supplements. Before taking a whole lot of issues, you may consider formidable ideas on medication and supplements. Organic supplements are known to be part of everybody’s daily living. They may be used for a lot of health reasons and the benefits will be endless. For this reason alone, they have gained popularity in the market thus paving a way to have a healthier and monitored lifestyle.

Aloe Vera

Our ancestors have predominantly used the wonders of the aloe vera plant in treating various body disorders. They have passed this on to our generation and the results really are endless. Plants and animals are the well known sources of dietary supplements. One of the known plants that could contribute to people’s health is Aloe vera. Supplements from the plant contain vitamins, minerals and amino acids which are all good for any individual who takes them.

One of the oldest therapeutic plants known to mankind, aloe vera is a very short-stemmed or stem-less plant, with thick and fleshy greyish-green coloured leaves and yellow flowers, and is bitter in taste with a pungent aftertaste. The plant is slimy, mucoid by nature and cold in action, which is why it is used in Ayurveda to cool excess body heat and to treat phlegm body humors. The extract of the Aloe Vera plant plays an important role in medicine and healthcare, and is available in the form of cream, gel, lotion, liquid, spray and capsule.

There are over 240 different species of Aloe, growing mainly in the dry regions of Africa, Asia, Europe and America. Of the 240+ species of Aloe, only four are recognized as being of nutritional value to humans and animals. Aloe barbadensis miller (Aloe Vera species) is the top of these four. Thus, any aloe-based product you use should be made from Barbadensis Miller species.

The Aloe Vera extract is extremely beneficial for patients who have lost a large amount of blood. In fact, even a small amount of Aloe Vera extract helps in the healing of wounds. It dissolves easily in blood and multiplies the effectiveness of the blood in a body. Records tell us that Alexander the Great (356–323 BC) used this quality of Aloe Vera for healing battle wounds suffered by his soldiers. Egyptian queen and legend, Cleopatra, used this herb extract for entirely different reasons, as an agent for skin care.

Aloe Vera juice

Aloe vera contains over 20 minerals, all of which are essential to the human body. The human body requires 22 amino acids for good health -- eight of which are called "essential" because the body cannot fabricate them. Aloe Vera contains all of these eight essential amino acids, and 11 of the 14 "secondary" amino acids. Several experts recommend drinking aloe vera juice to assure a continuous supply of these ingredients to the body.

It is suggested that one should drink between two to four ounces of aloe vera juice twice daily.

In addition, many juices have been tested and shown to have only small amounts of aloe vera, and some are basically no better than distilled water. Some juices contain preservatives that sensitive people can't tolerate. Be wary of juices that claim to contain 'whole leaf' aloe vera, as the leaf contains anthraquinine, which has a laxative effect.

If you are drinking aloe juice for irritable bowel syndrome, or colitis, then this is the last thing you need.

It must be said that many aloe juices are produced not with your benefit in mind but with you as a source of profit. Some products claim to use only selected parts of the aloe plant, but in fact aloe works best synergistically, which is how nature intended it to be.

If you do opt to drink aloe vera juice, try and choose a product that uses Aloe Barbadensis Miller, which is the most nutrient dense species. Only purchase juice that is in a colored bottle, as those sold in clear glass lose any goodness through oxidization. Avoid the cheapest juices, and remember that good quality never comes cheap. You can expect to get what you pay for.

Aloe Vera facts

  • Aloe vera contains saponin which acts as a natural cleanser.
  • It has the ability to penetrate through all layers of tissue. This is arrived from the lignin in Aloe Vera.
  • Works as a local anesthetic to relieve pain both on the surface and deep into the surface including joint and sore muscle pain.
  • It is bactericidal when it is maintained in high concentration for several hours in direct contact with the bacteria.
  • It is viruscidal when in direct contact in high concentration for long periods of time.
  • It is fungicidal under the same conditions.
  • It is a hemostatic agent. Reduces bleeding both topically and below the surface.
  • It is antipruritic, reducing the itching and rashes from stinging plants & insects.
  • It is anti-inflammatory. Its action is similar to that of a steroid, but with no side effects. All clinical studies report extensive anti-inflammatory activity.
  • It provides a wide range of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, Mucopolysaccharides and mucoprotein. Mucopolysaccharides are very important for bodily function. One of the functions is that it protects each cell of the body against the invasion of organisms such as bacteria, fungus and virus. The body slows down the production or completely eliminates this at puberty, therefore we have to obtain the Mucopolysaccharides from our foods. About the only foods that has any substantial amount of Mucopolysaccharides and mucoprotiens are the crustaceans and deep-sea cold water fish.
  • It dilates capillaries, increasing blood supply in the area to which it is applied.
  • Proteolytic enzymes break down and digest dead tissue and dead cells in all areas where applied, hastening the degenerative phase of healing and allowing a more rapid healing.

Therapeutic Benefits

The extract is made by grinding the plant’s leaves and is extremely popular and appreciated in cosmetology. Its extract contains calcium, amino acids, sodium, nitrogen and vitamins. The plant’s properties find expression in several cosmetic products in the form of creams, gels, lotions, cleansers, moisturizers, anti-ageing products, acne and pimple creams, and hair lotions. It is an important ingredient in health drinks and can also be taken as a dietary supplement. Listed below are some of its uses:
  • Influenza or Flu: Researchers at Texas A&M University are developing an Aloe Vera nose spray that can effectively treat influenza. Aloe Vera leaves are put through a series of complex extraction steps to produce a chemically pure powder, which is combined with the flu vaccine. The special carbohydrate in the plant’s leaves is perfect for forming the gel-like substance needed to act as a carrier for the vaccine.
  • Acidity: Fresh Aloe Vera juice when taken in a dose of 10ml to 20ml, two or three times a day, is a good cure for relieving acidity.
  • Burns: The juice extracted from the plant’s pulp is applied to burnt skin as it acts as a soother and healer.
  • Swelling: Mix some turmeric powder in Aloe Vera pulp and heat the paste slightly; apply it to the affected part for instant relief.
  • Hair loss: Aloe Vera is considered to be one of the best treatments for hair loss. It has anti-inflammatory properties that prevent hair loss and are even beneficial for curing Alopecia. Moreover, the herb is very effective for hair growth. It also maintains the pH balance of the scalp and helps in cleaning of pores. Aloe Vera juice, coconut milk and wheatgerm oil can be mixed and applied to the scalp for combating dandruff.
  • Skin care: A miracle worker on skin, Aloe Vera is used for treating wounds and cuts, burns, blisters, rashes, fungal infections, pain and inflammation.

This wonder herb is a very common ingredient in moisturizer creams, which help reduce pigmentation, freckles, sunburn, dark spots, acne, and dry and patchy skin. Its creams are good for allergies and skin eruptions.

For people suffering from eczema and psoriasis, Aloe Vera offers relief from reducing pain and itching. It also keeps ageing at bay.

  • Stomach disorders: The juice of Aloe Vera helps in curing ulcers, heartburn and other digestive disorders. It also keeps the digestive system healthy by playing the role of a laxative that helps in controlling bowel movement.
  • Vigour and strength: It is recommended to take Aloe Vera pulp with milk twice a day for renewed energy levels.
  • Female disorders: The herb is beneficial for the healthy working of the uterus, and especially helps in regulating menstrual flow.

Other Uses

According to recent research, Aloe Vera can also be used as a food preservative. Aloe Vera gel can be used as an edible coating to prolong the quality and safety of fresh fruit and vegetables. The gel does not affect food taste or appearance, and acts as a safe, natural and environmentally-friendly alternative to conventional synthetic preservatives.

Did You Know

  • Aloe vera plant literally "sucks up" the toxins.
  • The color and taste of Aloe vera changes with the seasons. This does not change the efficiency of the product.
  • It takes approximately 10 pounds of aloe leaves to make 1 gallon of 100% Aloe vera juice.
  • Native Americans applied the fresh gel from the Aloe Vera leaves to their hair, applied water and would get some sudsing effect.
  • The thick, clear gel inside the leaf contains over 75 different key nutritional compounds.
  • The manner and the place of manufacturing aloe vera products is extremely important! The gel of the Aloe plant, when exposed to oxygen for a prolonged time (about four hours) oxidizes - rendering it worthless.
  • The benefits from aloe vera products are rendered useless unless from harvesting to manufacturing the finished product, the entire process has been completed within four hours. If it takes longer then the product might not have any nutritional value.
  • Purchase aloe vera products manufactured by companies that grow the plant themselves and manufacture at the site and not from those who buy it in bulk.

Medication versus Supplements

Medication is known as the treatment for various illnesses using drugs. Drugs, on the other hand are contemplated to be medicinal substances which can be natural or artificial in nature and are known to prevent various diseases. They are also recognized for lessening the pain on the part of the patient. We are not talking about the illegal substance which has a negative notion.

Supplements as defined are additions to something in order to increase the size or makeup of a particular thing. Medically speaking, this may come in the form of vitamins which may be found in small quantity of foods. They are noted to be essential in the body’s metabolism.

Aloe vera based products contain extracts from the plant itself. This makes it herbal and natural in nature. These supplements should not be taken as replacement for food or as an alternate for any drug for that matter.

"Because you cannot live after you die, so Never die till you live..."

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